I had slept so soundly, finally, that I missed all my alarms, but hopped in the shower, gathered clothing, and headed off to work. When I was making my left turn, Tom was waiting to turn left the other way.
Me: Where is Tom going? Is he ok?
Maria: Oh yeah, he's fine. He's going to pick up the tickets.
The topic prior to the game was transportation. I had a dentist appt in Burlington at 1430, expected to end around 1515. Maria would transport herself to Burlington via Kevin, we'd drive to Sullivan Station, and then hop on the T.
Maria left work at 1330, I left at 1355, made the dentist appt, and Maria and Kevin showed up shortly after 1530. Everything worked fine, got the T (ran for the orange line), hopped on the green (any green but the e), and ended up at Game On. Wonderful burgers, were early enough to get a seat by the window, and got ponchos for $3 each, just in case.
Here are the pictures from the game:

when i have some more time, i'll put up pics from the 5/8/10 game