We started the day with a trip to Red Rock Canyon and the 13 mile scenic drive. The
Lady #1: Are you guys are the Willow Springs Trail?
Tom: Yep
Lady #1: We didn't see any willows, any spring, or any pictographs!
Tom: Well, did you walk a mile and a half?
Lady #1: No
Tom: Well...the trail is a mile and a half long
Lady #1: (pause) oh
Tom and I: ok, see yah, good luck!
Tommy and I noticed some fences that were along the path and then finally ran into a sign explaining the fences. The pictographs were on the rock faces behind the fences. We managed to find one of them for sure (it was faded but you could still see most of it) and noticed a questionable one of a hand, then another hand, and then the initials "JC". We wrote the two hands off as vandalism.
We also stumbled across a spring during our walk that is one of the few places a certain type of snail lives. After we finished our walk, we took another path, hoping it would lead back to our vehicle...it didn't, so we ended up walking up the wash until we found the trail we started off on. I don't like leaving the designated trails, but since the wash was just gravel, it was o.k. this one time.
We still had about 6 miles to go on the scenic drive and about 3 miles from the end, there appeared to be a traffic jam of some sort. When we passed the trail/scenic overlook pull-offs, we would slow down to allow for cars pulling into our lane of traffic. This traffic jam was in the middle of the road, there were no pull-offs nearby. As we got closer, I noticed that there was a burro right next to a minivan and the minivan had their passenger side sliding door open. The burro was sticking his head into the passenger compartment of the minivan. Both that burro and the second one about 50 yards ahead were completed surrounded by people. I'm not an enviromental nut, but some animals are domestic, some are wild, and some (like dolphins in exhibits) are somewhat of a mix. Regardless of the level of domestication or mental function, people need to realize that they are dealing with an animal and animals can be unpredictable. Don't feed the wild ones, they will expect it from every car they see pass by. Weren't there some problems when the bears got used to getting food from people in National Parks?
I'm thinking of getting a year pass to Red Rock, iirc it is only $20. The area out there is very beautiful, with plenty of trails to explore.
After hiking around for about 2 hours, we headed over to Red Rock for lunch and met up with Liz. We figured this was the first time since 2nd year that Tommy and Liz have hung out/seen each other. Apparently, my god-kid, Michelle, has been asking about me because I haven't been up at their house in the past few weeks due to work-related activites. Michelle and I should be able to get together this upcoming weekend and hang out for a bit. Liz and I will be staying at the Luxor Friday night (thanks, Mark) and then hanging out with everyone Saturday and Sunday (Liz' folks will be in town starting this Wednesday). After we ate, we played the penny-slots for a bit and Tommy and I are happy to announce that after putting in $7, Tommy won $25 (Tom won the Pharaoh's Fortune!! total gain of $18) and after I put in a $20, I won $50 (total gain of $30...ah, the Luck Lionfish machine; he gave me $40 one time after I put in one of Liz' $1 bills). Liz played the gem penny-slot she likes and unfortunately, she did not win anything :( But we all got free drinks :)
Tommy and I had been discussing the Cirque de Soleil (sp?) shows they have out here and settled on seeing Love after we found out it would finish in time for Tommy to catch his red-eye home. We self-parked at TI (after missing the turn for self-park at The Mirage) and took the tram over. I DO NOT like driving around TI and The
Mirage, the speed bumps are wacky and no one pays attention to the stop signs.
The show was interesting, first one by the Cirque group that I've seen. The Beatles' music remixes were good and the acts that accompanied the tracks fit pretty well, imo. The blackbird skit was dumb. The opening was good, Octopus' Garden was neat, but lighting effects during Revolution made me kinda sick to my stomach. The guys on the roller blades with the furry leg-warmers kicked ass, as did the guy doing flips on the one-man Berserker (Berserker=pirate ship at Kings Dominion that swings back and forth, then finally takes you all the way around). It was neat to finally see one of their shows, but this one was kinda pricey (yes, Tommy, the check is in the mail when you send me your addy). Guess I'll have to check out some of the other ones to fully form an opinion.
After the show, we walked back to the car because the tram was broken (in reality, it was probably faster to walk), and headed west on Spring Mountain, 15 south, 215 east, through the tunnel, and arrived at the airport around 9:15 p.m. Somewhat of a roundabout way, but I wasn't sure what the traffic would be like on the Strip nor Trop.
As of 10:12 p.m., Tommy made it through security but was waiting to see if he would be on this flight. The lovely airline overbooked the flight.
Wouldn't airlines that serve Las Vegas take a look at what happened last Monday and Tuesday and scale back on their overbooking flights out of here? Last Monday, day after NBA All-Star game/Chinese New Year/President's Day weekend/MAGIC, the line for Southwest started at Southwest and extended 3/4-1 mile down the sidewalk to Terminal 2/International Terminal. It got worse during the afternoon and had yet to resolve itself by Tuesday morning. Overbooking makes sense to a certain extent, but what does the airline do if everyone booked shows up (see entry about Tommy and Jess' Wedding, our hotel overbooked and we were sent elsewhere, but we still had a room)?
Right now, 11:30 p.m. Sunday night, I'm not sure if Tommy is on his way back to D.C. or in a cab on his way to the Luxor to crash with some other friends from out of town. I called, his phone rang a few times and then went to voicemail. I'll learn in the morning what happened.
Monday 2/26/07: Whelp, turns out at 11:30 last night, Tommy was trying to get himself a seat on a flight out today. He left the airport at 3:00 a.m., arrived at some hotel/casino, stood in line with everyone else that was bumped from their flights, and arrived at his room at 4:30 a.m. This allowed him time for a quick shower and a one hour nap before heading back to the airport. When I spoke with him at 12:15 p.m. Las Vegas time, he was somewhere in Texas, about to board his next flight. Apparently, the airline gave him a free flight voucher. Tommy said this was the worst travel experience he has had. He finally made it back to Washington-Dulles around 8:00 p.m. east coast time.
Oh, and we took pictures, just on Tommy's camera because mine requested more batteries. They'll be up after he emails them to me.
P.S. Thanks for visiting, Tommy! I had a great time playing around Red Rock Canyon, hanging out at Red Rock, and seeing the show with you. Next time you visit, bring Jess and we can check out the Valley of Fire, Area 51, Death Valley, or Lake Mead/Hoover Dam.