Saturday was relatively mellow, Liz and I won free tickets to Pauly Shore for that evening.
Sunday morning, we all headed down to the Strip for breakfast.
There are pictures of Miss Michelle and her new "eyes" (sun glasses from The Forum Shops), as well as pictures of the Stardust (we also won tickets to Frightdome @ CircusCircus, the roller coaster was cool).

Sorry for any crappy pics, I'm used to dealing with my mac and am now being forced to rely on other people's PC's.
The emac I purchased 24 months ago has been useless since this past July...that is 1/4 of the time I've actually owned my new Apple machine...his new part, which is supposed to fix his issues, doesn't ship until 11/27/06!!??!!
WTF Apple!!!
:( :( :(
I don't want to throw in the towel, but this may be the last Apple product I purchase.
Should anyone doubt my family's history of boycots, I will present two examples:
1. I drove buses in college and one evening, a Papa John's delivery car cut me off while I was driving a bus, the car made a right hand turn from the left-hand lane directly in front of my bus, while I was traveling down the road at around 30-35 m.p.h. After that incident, I do not purchase Papa John's pizza, I only eat it if it is free. That car cut me off more than 9 years ago...nice job, Papa John's.
2. When StarTrek was cancelled by ABC, my mother swore she would never watch ABC again. This was recently revealed to me and explains the dominance NBC had in our household.
There is not much I can say at this point in time, except I will caution all on purchasing mac products...seeing as you can pay a fortune and get rewarded with a complete dud.
sorry mac/Apple, you've had time to resolve my problem (created by a faulty part mac used) and you failed miserably.
that is all.