Thursday, May 25, 2006

My Excellent Adventure: Guns N' Roses, NYC; the reason I started this entire site...

Guns N’ Roses, New York City, May 17th, 2006

Friday evening, May 12, 2006, I returned home from work and was hanging out at my house. I decided to check a music forum I'm a member of to see how the Guns and Roses show at the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York City was shaping up. On one of the pages, someone posted that Ticketmaster had just released more tickets for the Monday night show. I checked, and yes indeed, I could purchase tickets for the Monday night show. Problem was, I had a project due out on Monday at work and there was no way I was going to be able to pull it off over the weekend. I had to be at work Monday.

But then I thought about it, "Well, they released more tickets to the Monday show, I wonder if they've released more tickets for the Wednesday show? I don't have anything due until Friday of the following week." So I checked and there were tickets available for Wednesday. I called a few people and left messages informing them they had 2 minutes to call me back. I called my mom (who in her youth, attended various Beatles and Stones shows, and also somehow managed to acquire a drumstick at a Doors show she attended), asking her what I should do, she told me I didn't want to go to New York City and was against the idea. I called Liz, seeking advice. While on the phone with Liz, I decided that I was not going to wait for anyone to return a phone call because the tickets may be gone by the time they did. At 8:15pm, I purchased one ticket to Guns N' Roses with Bullet for My Valentine at the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York City for Wednesday, May 17, 2006.

After receiving the confirmation email from Ticketmaster, I was somewhat in shock. I actually had a ticket to a venue with a 3,000 capacity to finally (hopefully) see the current lineup of Guns and I just had to get to New York City.

Quick Recap:
« I reserved a room at the Holiday Inn near Newark Airport. I didn't want to drive into the city and I remembered hearing some announcement about trains into New York City from when I flew through Newark en route to Vegas.
« I called Rob and left a voicemail after I got my ticket. He called Saturday, "Now, you know you can't wear your flipflops like you do for every concert. You don't know what will happen, this is a very small venue. If he doesn't show up, people will riot. You need to wear your Doc's. This is a closed-toed shoe show, regardless of how hot it will get in there."
« I checked the MTA and NJTransit websites but the trip planners were not working right. I tried to figure it out without the trip planners, but there are so many options in New York, I couldn't (even though I work in public transportation, which was somewhat embarrassing). I had never been on the train or the subway in New York. Actually, I had only been in NYC once before, on a school trip 12 years ago, for 2 days.
« I originally asked for just Wednesday and Thursday off from work, which was ok'ed. Then, while I was putting together my project I had some time to think. I was looking at a 650 mile drive, could I really make that drive and go to the show the same day? I asked if I could have Tuesday afternoon off since it didn't look busy. Tuesday afternoon off was ok'ed and I decided to split the drive to NYC into two days. I would drive to Breezewood, PA on Tuesday and finish the drive Wednesday morning.
« I sent an email to Pete (a former boss who lived in New Jersey and worked in lower Manhattan near the World Trade Center) asking for assistance navigating the trains/subways/etc. He called and told me about the NJTransit train and the monorail from the airport. He had a schedule at home for the train and gave me a call back Tuesday morning. We decided the best thing would be for me to park in long-term parking at the airport, catch the monorail, and then the train to Penn Station. Since the concerts had been ending at 1:15 a.m. for the past three shows, there would be time for me to catch the 1:41 train back to the airport, transfer to the monorail, recover my personal vehicle, and return to my hotel.

So, I left work Tuesday afternoon, after reserving a hotel room in Breezewood, around 2:00 pm. I called my mom at 2:45pm to inform her of what my physical location would be for the next several days.

The conversation went better than I thought it would:

Me: Mom, you may be very mad at me after I tell you this, but I need to inform you of what my physical location will be for the next several days. I am traveling to Breezewood this evening and then to Newark on Wednesday morning. I will then be traveling into New York City Wednesday afternoon/evening for the Guns and Roses show.

Mom: So, you went ahead and did it.

I left my house at 2:55 pm, had a nice drive for the most part (little bits of heavy rain here and there), and arrived at my hotel at 9:30 p.m. Now, for those that have traveled the PA Turnpike or through West Virginia know there is no cell phone reception for the most part, just at certain locations. I know this because I travel these roads to/from DC and Charlottesville. Whenever I get off at Breezewood to head to DC, my phone starts ringing with voicemails, same thing at one of the rest stops off 64 in West VA. I guess my mom called my sister to have her investigate the Guns and Roses shows in New York because I got a voicemail at 4:00pm letting me know that Axl was the only original member there, he was still fat, couldn't sing, etc, etc, etc. I'm not sure what review my sister read, it may have been the NY Times. Come on guys, like I didn't know Axl was the only original member of the current line-up. I also knew this may be my only chance in the U.S. to see any line-up of Guns and I had a ticket to the show.

Quick Recap:
« I stayed at the Ramada Inn in Breezewood. Apparently, you can smoke everywhere, except the non-smoking rooms, because there were ash trays all over the place. I wouldn't be surprised if they find a meth-lab in there one of these days.
« I drive a 2001 Honda Civic, we (me and my Honda) got 350 miles on 8 gallons
« New Jersey has a lot of trees.
« Stopped at a BP station to use the restroom just outside Newark. It was in the middle of a huge traffic circle/roundabout.
« Checked in at my next hotel around 2:30pm. When I got to my room, I opened the window shades and there was the Manhattan skyline, I could see the Empire State Building. I was there, I just had to get on the train and travel into New York City by myself. I spoke with Rob, asking for fashion advice (REM bunny shirt I wear to most concerts or We're Bus shirt-we went with We're Bus shirt). Speaking with Rob calmed my nerves quite a bit.
« While I was in the shower, my mom called and left a voicemail, "I'm glad you made it up there, now just be safe, and have fun."
« The elevator in the Newark hotel talked, "Going Down." Hey, it's Aerosmith! (the video cuts out for some reason and I can't get to a good code site for it, sorry). When the elevator talked to me, I thought, "Good Lord, what in the world am I about to do...well, no turning back now, I'm on the last leg of the journey to see the show," and then laughed. Actually, Steven Tyler's chuckle at the beginning of the video closely resembles what I did, and the elevator sounded just like the lady in the video, thus immediately prompting the thought of "Aerosmith!"
« Got on the 5:01pm NJTransit train to Penn Station and arrived at Penn Station at 5:25pm. I got off the train and entered Penn Station. My first thought was, "Geez, if it is this busy at 1:30 this morning, there is no way I'm going to be able to find train 3085 to Newark in 10 minutes" (Note: I decided to go ahead and use the hotel van to the airport because I was going to have to pay to get my car out of the hotel parking lot).

I climbed the stairs out of Penn Station and was suddenly in Manhattan. Holy shit, it was so surreal. I can't even really find the right words to string together to express what it was like, feeling like you're watching a movie but dealing with the realization that you are currently living the experience. I retreated out of everyone elses way in order to orient myself to my location, using Pete's directions and the several block map I had memorized in my head. I also heard very faint chants of Guns and Roses mixed into the city noise. Once mental orientation was finished (along with my cigarette), I walked up a block, looked to the left, saw the Manhattan Center and the Hammerstein Ballroom. I crossed the street and began wondering about my ticket, since it was will-call. I thought about trying one of the doors when I saw a guy, perhaps 18 years old with a mohawk, rather loudly explaining to an elderly lady that this was the last of 4 sold-out shows for Guns and Roses. I asked an older gentleman, who informed me that there is one line for right now, but they may separate the lines later. So, I walked to the end of the line and took my place at 5:30pm.

Between 5:30pm and 8:00pm, we moved three times, 30 feet, then 20 feet, then after the Hammerstein employee came out and told us the doors were open and we were going in, 5 feet. Part of the delay was that they were filming the line and some of the folks at the beginning of the line. I made it in at 8:10pm, redeemed my ticket from will-call, and entered the venue. The place was tiny. I bought a shirt, then headed down to the restroom, seeing as I had been without ready access for more than 3 hours. Picked up an adult beverage (beer special: Blue Moon, $4.00) and took my spot on the right side of the floor, about 15-20 feet from the stage.

There was a drum kit set up at the front of the stage. A guy came out and played with his hands, he had a bongo drum. It was pretty cool, kinda reminded me of Roni Size (drum and bass guy we went to see), like that type of music. I wish I could remember his website because I would direct everyone there. Yay! Just found it. GO HERE to see what I saw When you see the "Exit" sign on the left side of the stage, from the stage-viewpoint, that is where I was located for this show.

Bullet for My Valentine took the stage promptly at 9. They are from England and are more thrash metal. Not a bad band at all, I just haven't heard of them prior. I wish some of my fellow audience members weren't screaming for Axl or Guns. IMO, it was really disrespectful to the band and they didn't deserve it. They finished up around 9:40pm and set change commenced.

Quick Recap:
« During the set change, they played a variety of music, AC/DC, Metallica, Nirvana, Van Halen (not Van Hagar), Cypress Hill, Quiet Riot, Led Zeppelin, Kiss, Ozzy, Nine Inch Nails, etc.
« Saw David Lee Roth from about 10 feet away.
« Saw Jimmy Fallon and some other guy. They came in the same entrance as Diamond Dave. Jimmy hung around and signed autographs for people.
« Around 10:15pm, another girl who came to the concert by herself showed up next to me. Both of us were checking our watches as 11pm drew closer. I was tired, my back was beginning to hurt, I had been on my feet since 5:30pm, I was getting mad, and trying to figure out how I was going to catch the last train to Jersey. At 11:10, she told me she was retreating to the back of the venue in case Axl didnt show up so she could get out before the rioting commenced. I wished her luck and told her I would either hide in the corner or join in the rioting.
« Saw Sebastian Bach (former singer of Skid Row) and entourage enter the venue at 11:15pm. Someone said Jon Bon Jovi and others were over there as well, I have no idea if they were, but whoever it was did look familiar.
« 11:20 pm, the show finally starts and it got really crowded in our little corner really fast.

The Setlist:

Disclaimer: This is pretty much the order I remember the songs being played, the memory got kinda hazy after Izzy made his first appearance. Near the end of the show, I was talking with an employee about how to get back to my hotel, so I wasn't paying attention to the band really. If you were at the show that evening and can help me straighten up end of the set list, I would appreciate it. I'm not sure which song was Chinese Democracy or Madagascar, I haven't heard those before.

Welcome To The Jungle: Axl was on stage before they dimmed the lights; they came on stage, began playing, and it was like getting hit by a train. We all know the song, seeing it live with pyro as the intro to what ended up being about a 2.5 hour set was nuts/crazy/blew me, running out of descriptive words now. I realized at that point in time what I was about to finally experience...Axl showed up, and the show was off to one hell of a start. This video is not from my show and I was quite a bit closer to the stage, but serves as an example of the start, seeing as it is proving difficult to find videos from the 17th.
It's So Easy
Mr.Brownstone: one of my favorites
Live And Let Die
Think About You (with Izzy Stradlin): another favorite of mine. Intro..."We went through periods of truancy, early stages of substance abuse, skateboarding, some vandalism...ladies and gentlemen, my old friend, Mr. Izzy Stradlin." The crowd went nuts when Izzy took the stage. After the song was finished, people were chanting Izzy. This video was taken from the Mezz level, I was on the right side of the floor. When Axl darts that way in the beginning of the video, he was in our faces (I was busy paying attention to Izzy at the time, though). He also made a comment about how he could make millions (in reference to the reunion rumors of the original lineup).
Robin Finck Solo (guitarist)
Sweet Child O'Mine
Better: new song from the apparently soon to be released Chinese Democracy
Knockin' On Heaven's Door: made a comment about continuing to contribute to the Dylan retirement fund
Dizzy Reed Solo (keyboardist): he played the piano, pretty good
Blues: new song from the apparently soon to be released Chinese Democracy
Bumblefoot Solo (the newest new guitar player): pretty good
You Could Be Mine: featured in the Terminator 2 movie, they showed a montage of race car pictures on the video screens
November Rain: there was a wall of sparks that rained down during this one
Out Ta Get Me: talked about critics and others in respect to the apparently soon to be released album as the intro to the song
Richard Fortus & Robin Finck Solo (guitarists): they played Christina Aguilera's Beautiful. It was amazing. They were playing and I knew it sounded familiar. When I finally managed to recall which song it was from the bitbucket, I had been completely drawn into the performance...just somewhat odd at a Guns and Roses show.
My Michelle (with Sebastian Bach): (video obviously not from my show) a review said this was a horrible pairing and the performance was horrendous. I thought it was fine. It is rock and roll, not the opera. This video found recently is from my show
Rocket Queen: excellent
Patience (with Izzy Stradlin): Before this one started, Axl told someone to go get Izzy, who ever he told didn't hear it at first, so Axl told him again, "Go get Izzy". We got to hear Izzy sing some of the chorus. During the middle of the song, Izzy put his arms up and encouraged the audience to sway back and forth to the music, so some of us did.
Madagascar (?): new song from the apparently soon to be released Chinese Democracy
I.R.S.: new song from the apparently soon to be released Chinese Democracy and my personal favorite of the leaked tracks. Liz and I heard this twice on the radio when I was out in Vegas to see Aerosmith (once on the way to Area 51 and then on the way to the concert; when it first came on the radio, we were talking, then realized what we could perhaps be listening to, so the radio was turned up, we shut up, and then looked at one another. We lost the radio as soon as we got off the interstate, so when we heard it for the second time that day, she made the valet wait until the end of the song, in hopes that they would announce who it was and confirm our suspicions...yep, leaked track from Guns N' Roses). It was now 1:30am, I left my spot near the stage and made my way to the back of the venue, thinking, "They haven't even finished the show, there is no way Im going to be able to catch the train if I stay. Heck, I probably can't catch the train if I leave now."
Richard Fortus solo (guitarist)
Nightrain (with Izzy Stradlin and Kid Rock): another favorite
um, another Nightrain, pro shot this time around...

Chinese Democracy
: new song from the apparently soon to be released Chinese Democracy. I was talking to an employee about the PATH trains (whew, they run all night) at this point in time, didn't listen to the song; got my second adult beverage (no more beer special: Coors Light, $6.00) since I was now going to catch the PATH train back to New Jersey


Robin Finck Solo (guitarist)
Paradise City: (again, video not from my show and the confetti used at my show was yellow and red) Izzy didn't join them for this one, apparently he left because he had to wake up early the next day.

Random Show Notes and Thoughts
« Axl looks absolutely fine, like his age, less botoxy than 2002, and he is not fat. The problem is people remember the skinny kid from Appetite for Destruction, no one stays young forever. He wore jeans and a leather shirt. I wish he would drop the cornrows, though.
« The only audio issues I noticed happened when the earpieces fell out of Axl's ears, you could tell because when that happened, we couldnt really hear him. It only happened a couple of times and didn't really impact the overall quality of the show.
« As for his voice, since I have never seen him live before (except for random MTV performances), I have nothing to judge it on but CDs and videos, which have been remixed and whatnot. He sounded like I expected him to. He's not Pavarotti, he's Axl Rose.
« Richard Fortus (guitar) is really good (disclaimer: he was playing right in front of me for most of the night).
« They now have three guitarists (Stealing a quote from IggyPopWillEatItself Maybe he could round up a fiddle player, an accordion player, and a tuba player to fill the sound out a little more).
« Counter Point: all three of the guitarists are very good, they fit well, imo
« At one point, I thought Dizzy Reed (keyboards) had taken his pants off because I couldn't see them over the keyboards. He didn't, they were just real low
« Axl was in a good mood. People were taking pictures of him and he didn't say anything. Someone on the left side of the floor gave him a rose, which he carried around for a bit. He did yell at someone in the band who apparently messed up the beginning of Nightrain, "We played this twice in rehearsal," possibly the drummer (not sure exactly what happened b/c I had gone to the back by then).
« He also thanked a whole laundry list of people, including the NYPD, who he claimed "got him to the show." As a fan, who has been burned by him before, I muttered out loud, "Well, thank god someone got your a** here tonight...and you were late." There were folks around me discussing the last trains out of Penn Station before the show started, people left before the show was over (before I went to the back) so they could catch their trains.
« I don't know why they didn't use Dizzy's solo as the intro to/song before November Rain. It would have made sense, imo, the piano was already on the stage. Instead, we got to listen to "the piano coming on stage" and "the piano going off stage" music twice (seriously, that is what the guitarist-can't remember which one right now-called it).
« Being that close to the stage was really cool, but the view from the back of the venue was also good simply because the venue was that small.
«The fact Izzy showed up and played made my night. The only thing that would have made it better was if they played Used to Love Her (I love that song, favorite one actually, damn lucky folks in the UK...). I'm not quite sure how I would feel about the entire experience if seeing Izzy play had not been part of it. Lucky for me, I don't really have to contemplate that, I was one of the very fortunate folks at this show. Someone right in front of me did record all of Patience, but I haven't been able to locate that video online yet. Although, I will add this one here, a fan's recording from a show over in Poland. I have no Polish blood (although plenty of other blood), but Rob is polish and his Mom and Dad came over here sometime in the 70's. Rob once told me the meaning of life, the problem was he was speaking polish...I don't speak polish and he couldn't remember what he told me the next morning.

As soon as they finished Paradise City, I left (didn't see them come back and bow). It was after 2am. I asked a cop about how to get to the PATH station and if I would be safe walking there. He told me and said I would be fine, "It is actually quite a pleasant stroll." So I took off down 34th Street on my way to 32nd & 6th Avenue, making sure there were people in front of me and behind me. I did cut down 7th Avenue to get to 32nd St., whoops...should have stayed on 34th, as 32nd was dark and no one was on the street, except for a couple of construction guys. They looked at me like I was insane when I walked by them. I found the PATH station, got a ticket, asked someone how to get to Newark, and hopped on the train.

I ended up having a discussion with two guys about Ipods and then talking to one of them about why I was in New York City. When he asked what I was doing in New York City by myself, I told him I drove from Cincinnati to see a band. His response, "that's hardcore and quite courageous." I explained that I had never been able to see them prior and I wasn't quite sure if I would have the opportunity to see them again. Background: I was in elementary school when they first came out, Appetite for Destruction and Lies were some of the first tapes I somehow managed to acquire, can't remember if I bought them or if I asked friends to get me a copy b/c of the whole PMRC deal, I still have them and remember listening to them on my walkman while on the schoolbus; we had tickets in 2002, but they officially cancelled the tour the night before they were to play our show, Liz and I were so upset, I had flown home from Iowa to see them with her.

He and I talked about the DC area, Cincinnati, New York City, a guy that had died on a bus (ok, the entire car joined in for this discussion), relationships, and life in general. He recommended I return to visit New York again in the summer time. They did stop our train for a bit to haul off some drunk/druggie that had passed out (prompting the "guy that died on a bus" discussion). At first, he told me to transfer trains at Grove St., but when we got there, he told me to stay on the train until the next stop because there would be more people there and at least one police officer. We got to Journal Square, hopped off the train, and he walked me over to platform Number 4, where I needed to catch the Newark train. I made it back to Newark Penn Station around 3:30am and the next NJTransit train to Newark Airport wasnt until 4am. I was so tired at that point; I caught a cab back to the hotel. I arrived back at the hotel at 4 in the morning, approximately 12 hours after I had left to go to the concert.

The drive home was ok, I left at 11, had a minor mishap with the PA Turnpike (got on the turnpike too soon, resulting in an additional 80 miles added to my return trip), and the stretch from Columbus to Cincinnati was the worst, it was dark and I was exhausted. Made it home at 11:30pm, called my folks to let them know and called Rob to let him know I was home (last time I talked to him was right after I got into the venue before the show started), and crawled into bed with no alarm clocks set.

Final Thoughts about the Trip:
« Was it worth it? Yes, I had a great time, met some really nice people that I will probably never see again, and I finally got to see a line-up of Guns and Roses.
« Would I pay $63 again to see the current line-up of Guns and Roses? Perhaps, if it is guaranteed they would show up, they were great. I'm not sure if I would go out of my way like I did this time to see them, guess it depends on when they tour again next. This trip was a once in a lifetime experience for me.
« As a follow-up to my previous comment, this was one of the best concert experiences of my life. The show was fantastic, regardless of what the critics have to say. It blew my mind, I was walking on air when I left the Hammerstein...I finally saw Guns N' Roses, a band I've been chasing since my youth, who had put on one hell of a show. In my opinion, this show rivals that of The Rolling Stones in Charlottesville, VA (October 2005). I went into work Friday and a co-worker commented, "looks like you got blown away, guess it was a good show."
link to an old video of Keith, Mick, Izzy, Axl, and the rest of the Stones
« I'm busy trying to acquire the missing Izzy albums I don't have. If you want to listen to good, plain old rock and roll music, get an Izzy album or two. an Izzy site
« It is so surreal of an experience that if I didn't have the shirt, it could have been a dream.
« I traveled to New York City by myself and saw Guns and Roses. This is the most insane thing I have ever done.

photo credits: the two hotels shots I took myself; Stones picture (October 6, 2005, Scott Stadium, Charlottesville, VA) was taken by either myself or Rob; the Delta Mural and the PATH doors I found on google; pictures of Izzy, Axl, and the rest of the band were yanked from posters at the forum, the pictures of Axl and the band are not from the show I went to b/c I'm pretty sure Axl was wearing white shoes, not red...lordy, I was close enough to see his shoes; without them and Sludge, I wouldn't have known about the ticket drop...and I am grateful for all the info they posted. (Note: if you get the blue box instead of a picture, click on the box and the picture should open). Additional thanks to the folks in the mIRC chatroom I'm in for providing lodging and travel advice, in addition to putting up with me talking about this show (we normally talk politics/current events).

Next up on the docket, Poison. woohoo, my favorite band, and yes, I'm serious. Liz and I are going (her husband and someone else yet to be determined are also attending). @ The Joint (yay! another small venue), Las Vegas, Nevada...Sin City, here I come. ;^)